Monday, February 25, 2019

Best cloud storage

Physical hardware and storage infrastructure is limited in its capabilities to store, protect, and ensure accessibility to data. Cloud-based storage solutions can help in addressing this need-gap by allowing organisations to seamlessly manage their data requirements. Such services move beyond the inherent restrictiveness of physical storage and enable organisations to ensure ready availability of data to their employees at all times. A lack of space isn’t a problem with best cloud storage solutions, as enterprises can seamlessly scale their data storage operations up or down as required and when.

Best-in-class cloud storage service providers also deploy multi-layered data security and protection measures to ensure the fidelity and integrity of the data they manage and protect it against damage, loss, theft, and cyber-attacks. Such digital storage also leverage strict user controls and policies to ensure that business data and information can only be accessed by authorized business users. This not only enhances the security of critical data, but also allows organisations to avail significant productivity, collaboration, and cost benefits.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cloud Backup

Data is the new gold for the global business ecosystem and has become one of the most important – if not the most important – enterprise resources. Access to it is essential for day-to-day business operations, as well as defining strategic roadmap, vision, and decision-making. Loss of enterprise data, therefore, can put a spanner in the works for organisations and affect their business performance, both in the short and the long runs.

This is why it is important for enterprises to ensure that their business-critical information, applications, and processes are backed up on a regular basis on the cloud. Doing so can ensure that vital data is not lost in case of a network outage or organisation-wide system malfunction, as data is stored in isolation on the cloud. Cloud-based data backup service providers also deploy much more efficient and robust security measures to protect the information that they handle.

Cloud backup eliminates the need to invest in creating, maintaining, and updating a dedicated physical infrastructure for backing up business data, allowing organisations to avail significant savings on associated infrastructural, operational, upgrade, and maintenance costs. Moreover, since cloud-based data backup services can be scaled up and down as per the latest business requirements, enterprises can realise much greater value for their capital investment when opting for such services.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Electronic document management system

Even in today’s digital-first day and age, organisations still rely heavily on documents to function. Only the nature of documents has changed, moving from paper to digital. Digital documentation has multiple benefits: convenient search and indexing, round-the-clock accessibility, more secure sharing and access controls, seamless reporting, faster and cleaner editing, and easy backups.

But how do enterprises manage their digital documents? This is where cloud-based electronic Document Management Systems (DMS) step into the picture. These electronic solutions enable organisations to not only process and manage their digital documents, but also capture physical documents through state-of-the-art innovations such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Printed and handwritten documents can be converted into full indexed digital assets, as can photographs of printed and handwritten copies.

Cloud-based electronic Document Management System from top service providers come equipped with cutting-edge technologies, such as machine learning, and can automate the end-to-end document capture, processing, and management requirements for enterprise businesses. DMS solutions also allow business users to work on the same document through the cloud, enabling better collaboration across the organisation’s departments and business functions.

DMS solutions streamline documentation-based workflows much more efficiently and can be scaled up and down with ease, apart from delivering unparalleled accuracy and productivity. Moreover, since digital documents are securely stored on and shared by DMS through the cloud, enterprises can ensure that their documents remain accessible and available to authorized users and minimize the possibility of a data compromise.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Online storage services

Global data generation has increased at an unprecedented pace over the last couple of years. With growing digitization expected to further accelerate this growth, storing critical business data physically can pose several challenges to enterprises. Physical devices can only store a limited amount of information and frequently require a costly and time-consuming upgrade of the storage infrastructure before any more information can be saved. Business information stored in physical storage is also vulnerable to security breaches, cyber-attacks, tampering, theft, and device malfunctions, which can lead to data being lost, damaged, or compromised.

Online storage services offer a much-needed alternative to physical storage infrastructure by enabling enterprises to store as much business data as they want, directly on the cloud. This does away with the limitations of, and the dependence on, physical hardware for storage purposes. By eliminating the need to frequently upgrade their in-house physical infrastructure, online storage services enable organisations to circumvent associated business disruption and cost overheads. Leading online storage service providers also employ robust cyber security measures to ensure that the information stored on the cloud remains well-defended against potential attacks and breaches.

Furthermore, since data is stored across an interconnected pool of shared computing resources, data remains protected against loss or damage caused due to something as common as device malfunction. One of the biggest advantages of availing online storage services is that information is accessible and available to authorised business users at all times, across multiple devices and platforms. All of this provides a big boost to enterprise-wide productivity and profitability.